Planned Unit Developments and Twin-Homes
A Termite Report on a PUD (most Twin-Homes are a PUD) is exactly the same as a single family residence if it is free standing, meaning there are no common walls or attachments to adjacent properties. One difficulty may be that one or more of the structure walls may be built directly on the property line. You will need to obtain permission, in advance, from the neighboring property owner to enter their yard for inspection of that exterior wall. This permission will also need to be obtained if corrective work, such as a fumigation, is be performed.
If there IS a common wall or other attached structure of the subject property that is attached, abutted to or shared by an adjacent property, then the inspection should be limited to the structure(s) being purchased. If problems are found on a common wall or shared structure, it will be necessary to review the CC&Rs or other governing documents to determine legal responsibility. If these documents do not clearly define these responsibilities, it will be necessary to negotiate the terms of corrective work with the neighboring property owner.